spsR: Synthetic Purposive Sampling
R package spsR
implements Synthetic Purposive Sampling (SPS) that allows users to select diverse study sites for external validity, as developed in Egami and Lee (2023+).
- Naoki Egami (Maintainer)
- Diana Da In Lee
- Egami and Lee. (2023+). Designing Multi-Context Studies for External Validity: Site Selection via Synthetic Purposive Sampling.
Overview of the Website
Please start with Get Started Page.
- This page should be sufficient for understanding the basic use of the package.
We provide more detailed practical guides on Practical Guides.
- Include (1) step-by-step instructions, (2) answers to frequently asked questions, (3) suggestions about data collection.
- For methodological details, please read Egami and Lee (2023+).
We are happy to receive any questions and suggestions about R package
Please reach out to Naoki (naoki.egami@columbia.edu) and Diana (dl2860@columbia.edu).
Installation Instructions
You can install the most recent development version using the devtools
package. First you have to install devtools
using the following code. Note that you only have to do this once:
if(!require(devtools)) install.packages("devtools")
Then, load devtools
and use the function install_github()
to install spsR
install_github("naoki-egami/spsR", dependencies = TRUE)